The 6-Part Sarno framework for reclaiming your life

“Through this course I got rid of my chronic elbow pain and my acute sudden knee pain.”

I heard about Dr. Sarno’s method and read his book, but I could not figure out how to implement it to actually feel better. Then I took Miriam Brieger’s course. I learned so much more information, she broke it down so clearly, step by step, in a very captivating manner! Through her course, with Hashem’s help, I got rid of my chronic elbow pain and my acute sudden knee pain. I also had such a serene Yom Tov like never before, even with a house full of guests and plenty of stress. As a health kinesiologist, I very highly recommend learning the method from her!

Yitty Friedman
Health Kinesiologist, Monsey NY

“We saw miraculous results and she was cured of severe migraine headaches.”
Not only did I learn the Sarno method from Miriam Brieger and got rid of my pain, two of my daughters learned it from her too. One daughter saw miraculous results and was cured of severe migraine headaches. The other one was cured from reflux, BH! What more is there for me to say!?
Esther Ruchy Heisler
Monsey NY
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